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ProductCart Add-ons

Web Design

ProductCart Modification:
CAPTCHA Anti-Spam Contact Form Upgrade

A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether the user is human.

CAPTCHA Anti-Spam Contact Form UpgradeSpammers use automated "spambots" that seek out web forms on web sites and attempt to submit unsolicited messages. If you operate a web site, you are probably very familliar with these nuisances.

Use of CAPTCHA technology has proven to be a highly effective means of reducing the spam because most bots do not have the ability to overcome the CAPTCHA.

This modification allows the contact.asp page provided by ProductCart to be ammended to incorporate CAPTCHA technology, in the form of a script created by Web Wiz Guide. Our installation instructions are designed to allow a 5-10 minute install. We recommend that you also purchase a license to Web Wiz CAPTCHA instead of using their free version. Among other benefits, purchasing the CAPTCHA license allows the Web Wiz branding notice to not appear when the script first executes for each visitor.

Demo here

Self-install: Only $45!
Installed: $90 + Web Wiz License

To order this code, pay via Paypal or contact us.

GreyBeard Design Group
1525 Highland Drive, Mount Shasta, California 96067

Tel/Fax: 530.926.1192

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