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ProductCart Add-ons

Web Design

ProductCart Modification:
jQuery Carousel For ProductCart Home Page

This is a simple integration of http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ to work with the standard ProductCart home page.

Just as you can currently select the number of products that appear in the "featured products" section of your home page, this mod will cause the same products that would normally appear in a grid format (horizontal display format with images), aka "format H", to appear in a jQuery carousel.

The image below shows the basic format of this carousel implementation. You, or your web developer, should alter the CSS and images to match your site design. An example of exactly how the code we are delivering for this mod will appear in your site is here. A tailored version of the same code is visible at quality-western-boots.com. Click the image to see a larger view.

Click to see a larger view

Currently supported for v4.1 sp1 to 4.7.

Self-install: Only $75!

To order this code, pay via Paypal or contact us.

GreyBeard Design Group
1525 Highland Drive, Mount Shasta, California 96067

Tel/Fax: 530.926.1192

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