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ProductCart Add-ons

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ProductCart Modification:
Shipping Label Purge Utility

The problem: ProductCart's built-in shipping modules allow the merchant to easily generate shipping labels for their orders. As those orders are processed, the resulting graphics files that contain the images of label accumulate in the PCADMIN folder, and that uses up valuable disk space. The only way to clear those files is to occasionally browse to the label folders with FTP (or similar) and clean them out.

The solution: This script plugs into the ProductCart admin tools and provides an easy-to-use interface where one may configure the number of days for which labels are to be retained, and a menu option that allow the merchant to automatically remove the labels from the folders where they appear.

Shipping Label Purge Utility

Shipping Label Purge Settings

Self-install: Only $30!

To order this code, pay via Paypal or contact us.

GreyBeard Design Group
1525 Highland Drive, Mount Shasta, California 96067

Tel/Fax: 530.926.1192

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